FRA embedded pdf
Free Route Airspace (FRA) Chart LSAS
On the 1st December 2022 skyguide introduced a permanently available Free Route Airspace (FRA) within the entire lateral limits of its Area of Responsibility (AoR) above FL195. This FRA is named LSASFRA within the various Aeronautical Information Publications (AIP) and the Eurocontrol Route Availability Document (RAD).
- Download on Desktop: Please download and save the map on your Desktop. When opened in Adobe Acrobat, various layers can be manually selected.
- Download on Mobile Device: As the layer function is not supported neither in the browser nor in Adobe Acrobat on mobile devices, you can download the "XODO" App for free, provided by PDFTron. Please note that skyguide assumes no liability for the use of this App and that the PDFTron terms of use apply.

ENRC FRA WEF 31 OCT 2024 | Download |
LSASFRA Procedures
Within FRA, aircraft operators can plan a route between a defined FRA Horizontal Entry Point (E) and a defined FRA Horizontal Exit Point (X), with the possibility to route via FRA Intermediate Points (I), without a reference to the ATS route network. To ensure safety and capacity within the FRA, connections between these waypoints will be controlled by the Eurocontrol Route Availability Document (RAD). Additionally, connections between the various FRA points are subject to airspace availability and can be blocked by the activation of Temporary Reserved Areas (TRAs).
Vertical entry and exit to/from the FRA is made possible via the connection of ATS route segments connected to FRA significant points mentioned above. These ATS route segments are in turn connected to the SIDs or STARs of the various aerodromes. The available FRA connections between significant points and/or radio navigation aids to the ATS route network are also published in the RAD.
Cross-border FRA application
To optimize the traffic flow between Skyguide and DFS, cross border FRA will be available between LSASFRA and DFS FRA Cells EDUU East, EDUU West and EDMM South. Flights between these areas are not required to file a FRA horizontal entry or exit point (E, X), rather the use of a FRA intermediate point (I) that is situated near the boundary possible. Specific restrictions on the use of the FRA intermediate points (I) between the FRA areas is defined in the RAD.
An interactive map of the LSASFRA has been developed to support the implementation on December 1st. The map needs to be downloaded and saved on your desktop. When opened in Adobe Acrobat, various layers can be manually selected such as the connections available from each FRA Entry point, TRAs or ATC sectors.
If you download the map on your mobile device, the layers function is not supported neither in the browser nor in Acrobat Reader. If you want to use the map on your mobile device, there is the possibility to open it in an App named "XODO" provided by PDFTron. You can download this App on your individual mobile device for free, either on Google Play or in the App Store. Please note that skyguide assumes no liability for the use of this App and that the PDFTron terms of use apply.
Changes to aeronautical data will be published via the standard AIRAC process in the AIPs of Switzerland, Austria, France, Germany and Italy.
All RAD changes have been entered into the Eurocontrol RAD Application and can be viewed in the DMRs titled, LSAS_2212_FRACHANGES. These RAD changes will be published as per the standard update process on the Eurocontrol NM RAD homepage -